Monday, October 30, 2017

OK so maybe I was wrong.... Conceeding that "White privelege" and "rape culture" do exist, to a certain degree of course.

Ok, well I've reached a point in life where I've matured enough to be able to admit when I'm wrong. Two points in particular where I'm willing to concede some ground are in "White privilege" and in "rape culture". Now hold up, this doesn't mean I'm going to register as a Democrat...

So lets get started.

White privilege. 
So not too long ago there was another mass murder committed with a firearm and once again the usual suspects (well to do White people/Democrats) are talking about how no one needs guns and how we need more gun control. Well thinking about it more... telling an Asian-American, that they don't need to be armed to cover their own asses, that is "White privilege".

How is it "White privilege"? Well there's no denying that there is a lot of racism in this country's history, and that racism also includes racism against Asians. That racism against Asians has reached levels that include violence. Now that said it's certainly reasonable that an Asian-American would want to be armed, you know just in case, a hollow-point loaded .357 magnum tucked away somewhere or a 12ga shotgun loaded with 00 buck shells stashed in the closet, to protect against violent racists who might want to do them harm.

Now in this country, Whites, being the majority, don't really have those experiences that racial minorities have had. They never really had to worry about roving gangs of racists coming and killing them, roving gangs who's activities may or may not have local law enforcement complicit with. In other words, they don't need to worry about something the rest of us do/did and therefore enjoy a privilege in that regard.

Now given that they has less of a concern about racists coming to murder them, they have less of a need to take pro-active measures in their own self-defense. Which is fine, there's nothing wrong with that, I don't begrudge them for that. where it becomes an issue, is that these White people, many of them being well-to-do middle to upper class, don't realize that what applies to them doesn't always apply to others. Not everyone lives in a gated community with private security. Not everyone can just run, hide and call the police in full confidence that the police will arrive in time to save them. Yet they push gun-control on everyone assuming that we can all just live like them. They don't need to take extra steps to protect them, therefore no one does. They don't need a gun, therefore there isn't a single person in the country who would need one. Isn't that a privilege of being White? No fears of White supremacists coming after you?

Often they'll say "only the police should have guns", yeah well I guess they forgot about those times that police turned a blind eye to racist violence if not out right complicit in it.

So what does this all mean, am I going to say that everything is "White privilege?" No. Am I going to say that everything is racist and that we need to point it all out? No. What it means that gun-control, if not out right rooted in racism, is a product of "White privilege". So before you tell me that I don't need a gun, maybe you ought to check your privilege first.YOU, as a middle to upper-class White person might not need a gun, but can you honestly speak for a minority on this issue? Or should you just listen?

Rape culture.
I used to think this one was pure crap. Rape is a felony and there are laws in place to punish it. Barring biased judges like Judge Persky, the system works given how many people have been put away for rape. Given that we even have TV shows about hunting down child rapists.

Then came Harvey Weinstein.

Now I won't say that "rape culture" permeates all of society, even with Judge Aaron Persky's BS ruling and letting a rapist walk with a slap on the wrist, there were still armed people gathering around Brock Turner's house just waiting for a legally justifiable excuse to shoot him. BUT, given how many people knew of Weinstein's escapades, and did nothing about it, said nothing about it. And it isn't just Weinstein's serial harassing/bullying adult women. Word of child rape/molestation aren't exactly unheard of either, with Roman Polanski's name up on the top of the list. Given how many people have gotten away with so much, it can't be denied that there is a portion of society as well as a geographic region where "rape culture" is perpetuated.

That place is leftist Hollywood.

Hollywood is where Harvey Weinstein was able to take advantage of women to his heart's content. Hollywood is where Roman Polanski was able to molest a 10 year old and still have the support of prominent Hollywood figures. Hollywood is where parties are held where child starts like Coreys Feldman and Haim were passed around like the communal hooker.

If we take a look at the definition of "rape culture":

A society or environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of normalizing or trivializing sexual assault and abuse.
Given that so many blind eyes were turned and so many people just accepted that that was how it was in Hollywood, seems like the sexual assaults/harassment and child molestation were normalized and trivialized. Hollywood sure seems to fit that definition to a "T".

Think about that for a moment, the same Hollywood that dogpiled Trump for a tasteless comment about grabbing horny groupie's pussies, is the same Hollywood that kept quite about a known rapists and their continued predation of young women and children entering the industry.

It's almost like that violently homophobic guy who turns out to be a closeted gay, who only acts that way to deflect attention from himself doesn't it...?

Given what's been boiling over in Hollywood, I can't say that there is no rape culture anymore. I don't think it permeates all of society like what radical feminists and con artists like Anita Sarkeesian would say. But I can no longer say it doesn't exist in the West when this kind of evidence is starting me right in the face.

So where does that leave me? 
Well I can no longer completely say that "White privilege" and "rape culture" are pure bullshit, I have to concede that to a certain degree, "White privilege" and "rape culture" exist. However I will say this... the left needs to shine their spotlight elsewhere. Maybe turn those lights around on to themselves.

Funny thing is, by accepting these leftist talking points as having a degree of truth to them, I've noticed more just how far off the mark the contemporary Left has gone since the period where I could call myself a "Liberal" which out having to add the "Classical" modifier in front of it. In other words, after accepting a degree of validity in these talking points, I see the contemporary Left in an even more negative light now. Yes there is a degree of "White privilege" and yes there is a degree of "rape culture" and the Left is complicit in it's perpetuation.The contemporary Left certainly doesn't have clean hands in this regard.