Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ask Dr. Dominic Dieter

Alright lets get this shit-ball rolling down the hill.

DJ Dominic Dieter is in some hot water after some advice he gave to a concerned father. I'll give you the abridged version but you can read the article here:
You just got to love that shit eating grin don't you?

Anyway Dr. Dieter here got a call from a father asking what he should do after catching his teenage daughter kissing another girl and suspects her of being a lesbian. Well the advice given was “You should get one of your friends to screw your daughter straight.” Yeah well a couple things here. This is getting pretty close to the crime of conspiracy. Two or more people getting together to commit a crime. But what's the crime? Well if the "screwing" wasn't consensually that's obviously rape. This guy is telling a father, and fathers everywhere, if they think their daughter is a lesbian, have her raped. OK you might say that's a stretch, fine. The daughter was also a teenager, so unless she's 18-19 Dieter here is prescribing child molstation, which is also a crime, and will land you on Megan's List. I also doubt encouraging another to commit a crime is legal and protected by the 1st Amendment. If a lawyer were to do that at least, they'd be saying good bye to their Bar card.

As if that isn't repugnant enough, what he's suggesting was actually done in some parts of Africa. They called it "corrective rape". You can read about it here: So as outrageous as it sounds to, you know, sane and rational people, for the sick and deranged it's a "legitimate" de-gaying tactic.

Legal crap aside think about it a moment. How is a guy who's damn near (if not completely) advocating violence in the form of rape and/or child molestation not fired on the spot? What does that say about our society? If this was a joke, it ain't funny. It says women and gays are somehow inferior to straight men, and that shit is just insane, there is no rational basis for that thinking. It's just plain bigotry is what it is.

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