Monday, March 18, 2013

King Football dethroned! Stubenville Rape Crew found Delinquent/Guilty! - The Aftermath

Lets get something straight, these two boys committed a heinous crime against someone. What they did to her, all in the name of fun and games will follow her, her family, and her friends for the rest of their lives.

It was a decision they made.

They are not deserving of sympathy.

And yet that is what the lamestream media is doing. CNN correspondant Poppy Harlow had this to say about the verdict.

"It was incredibly emotional—incredibly difficult even for an outsider like me to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believe their life fell apart."
But what about the girl, Poppy? What about her huh? What about how women who've been raped go though years of therapy and have flashbacks? Or how about how some women who've been raped suffer from PTDS? But no, lets feel sorry for these two football players even though they got what they deserved. At least these two were able to watch their own destruction. Her life fell apart and she didn't even get to see it first hand. But Poppy isn't the only one to sympathese with these two  rapists.

Enter Candy Crowley...

"You know, Paul, a 16 year old now just sobbing in court, regardless of what big football players they are, still sound like 16 year olds," Crowley said. "The thing is, when you listen to it and you realize that they could stay until they're 21, they are going to get credit for time served. What's the lasting effect, though, on two young men being found guilty in juvenile court of rape, essentially?"
Aww boo-fucking-hoo. Nobody put a gun to their head and told them to do it. Hell even a few party goers said it was wrong, and yet they did it anyway. They must face the consequences of their actions. Call it discipline, call it being a man, call it reaping what you sowed. Who gives a goddamn about their "promising futures"? They made the decisions to carry out the act that took it away from them. No one took their promising futures away from them. To paraphrase Biff Tannen, they took their entire lives and flushed it completely down the toilet, and they did it by raping a 16 year old girl. Nobody nuked their futures or crushed their dreams but them. The legal system did it's job, at this trial the system worked. 

Then lastly there's Paul Callan...
The most severe thing with these young men is being labeled as registered sex offenders. That label is now placed on them by Ohio law and, by the way, the laws in most other states now require such a designation in the face of such a serious crime. That will haunt them for the rest of their lives.
Well hey guess what dipshit, that's what happens when you're convicted of a sexual crime. Don't want to be branded with the Mark of Sex Offender, then hey guess what, all you need to do is not sexually assault someone. Not a hard concept and not something hard to do.

Of course lets burn just CNN. Fox is guilty of releasing the girl's name to the public.

This goes back to what I said about adults perpetuating the reign of King Football. Poppy Harlow, Candy Crowley, and Paul Callan are just the same as Reno Saccoccia. Instead of simply discussing the technicalities of what awaits them instead they talk about how the two rapists were in tears, they talk about how they were getting comforting hugs from their lawyers, about their apologies and how one of them's dad wasn't there for them. All painting them in a sympathetic light, as if to say, lets all feel sorry that these two rapists lost their positions as the golden boys of high school football. Notice that neither of them bothered to ask, what is so broken in our society that made these two rapists think that what they did was ok. What is so broken in our society that Reno Saccoccia prioritizes his football over common human decency?

There was no reflection here, no questions raised about how this can be prevented. All there was, was "lets feel sorry for them because they're no longer the golden boys."

There's emphasis that the girl was drunk. Well who cares if she was drunk, that's still not an excuses to rape someone. Had these two golden boys not been put atop King Football's pedestal, they probably wouldn't have done what they did. Had they known better, whether the girl was sober or drunk they probably wouldn't have done what they did.

King Football might have been dethorned, but King Football is only on Elba. But so long as Poppy Harlow and Reno Saccoccia are around, King Football will return. And this will continue to happen again and again.

How many more till will this have to happen? Maybe these people will change when it happens to someone they care about.

A REAL man, doesn't rape.

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