Saturday, August 27, 2016

Triggering: You have to be the change.

The following contains:
- Scathing political commentary
- Profanity
- Lack of sympathy for bullshit

So something got me a little twisted, just a little fucked up. So this happened a little while ago on social media, and I see a posting related to Dr. Dre. Then I see someone commenting about how Dr. Dre hasn't lived in 'da hood for a decade or something.

Isn't that the whole point?

Isn't that the whole reason, the guys of NWA wanted to get big, to get out of 'da hood? I mean why the hell would you want to stay in a high crime area if you had the money to get out? There is just is pervasive problem of low expectations in the lower class. Don't believe me? See for yourself, here.

"We need our weave!"

"Weave"? Seriously? Your community is a mess, and "weave" is your priority? Let me get this straight. The schools in your community are under-performing and failing to meet the needs of the community's children. Drugs and gang violence have long plagued the community. You have young women, teens, becoming single mothers at a higher rate. You have sons of said teen/young single mothers without a father who end up falling in with gangs. You got all kinds of reasons why your community is fucked up. But "weave"... fucking "weave" is the priority?!

You want to talk about needing your shit? What you need to do with your shit is get it together.

Putting things into context, the first video has to do with the Milwaukee riots that was going on at the time of writing. The woman there was angry at stores being destroyed, but notice the first thing that came to her mind as far as needs and necessities go, is "weave". She literally mentions "weave" before food. The second video has to do with the flooding in Louisiana. Notice that isn't a grocery store, a market, or a pharmacy. Those women aren't scavenging for food, or basic necessities. They're scavenging for "weave" and notice that one of them brought their kid along. So at least one of them is a mother. But I guess they got enough stock piles of basic necessities so they got the time to go on a "weave" scavenger hunt.

How are this related to what was said about Dr. Dre? They all come out of the same mentality. This ghetto-trash hood mentality. Where people who succeeded and got out of 'da hood are derided and priorities are so skewed and jacked up as to put "weave" on a priority list during a natural disaster or social unrest. This whole mentality is the reason this problem can't be solved by just pumping money into some of these poverty stricken communities. Look, their priority isn't basic needs, it's fucking "weave" and other bullshit. When that is the mindset of a person, do you honestly think they're going to spend any government money you give them, responsibly?

There's no effort to better themselves, or even to better the lives of their children. To work towards making the lives of their children better than their own. There's no drive or ambition to one day get out of 'da hood, it's all about just playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. And this is done all for what? To keep it real?

I get it. Shit in 'da hood is hard. But you just going to accept that? You're not going to do anything about it? You're just content to live in the fucking gutter with a goddamned garbage dump for a community and act like some kind of uncivilized savage? You're just going to sit there with this trash hood mentality. How are you going to expect other people to give a damn about you, when you don't even have the self respect to give a damn about yourself? People that have so little self-respect they go begging for money online from other people.  People with so little self-respect they can't even bother to clean up their English.

And yeah I said "trash" because it's a mentality that lets people be content to live in their own filth. When you live in a dirty community and you let thugs do their dirty in your own community and you don't step up, then you're content to wallow in your own filth. You wallow in your own filth and dirt and then you wonder why the rest of society doesn't give a shit about you. When you have national attention focused on you, you don't talk about needing to improve failing schools in your community, you don't talk about the need for mentorship programs for all these fatherless boys, and girls being raised by an older girl. Oh ho no, you talk about how you need your "weave". You take videos of yourselves acting in the most ratchet manner and post it up in the internet for the world to see? How is this mindset anything but trash?

OK, so how does this mindset keep people down? How does it perpetuate crime? You have people who think there's no way out, that 'da hood, the barrio or the trailer park is what they are. People who have no aspirations to be anything because too many people have told them that they'll never be shit, ingraining that in their heads. So they don't even try, or they try and just give up. Forget about going to college, forget about learning a trade. Why do all that shit when you can get big money the easy way? The young kids don't see business owners or other professionals around the 'hood, but what they do see are blinged out drug dealers, gangbangers and any other strain of thug.

But it doesn't just stop at making money in a sleazy way like slinging drugs. It gets into grimier shit, into burglarizing other people's houses, into robbing other people. You won't be shit trying to make it legit, but if you act hard enough, long enough, you just might be someone in 'da hood, or so these kids are told. They grow up to be the same thugs that fuck the community up to begin with. They do dirty to their community and people in the community with their own priorities so fucked up, don't do shit to fix, expect other people to do it, then why their shit is so fucked up an no one cares. And on the other side of the crime, the other side of the dirty, you have that same ghetto trash mentality of "no snitching" that keeps people who've been done dirty from reporting it? Who the fuck are you protecting? I'll tell you, a worthless thug who does dirty to his neighbors, who knows he can do dirty and get away with it, because he knows the other ghetto-ass people that live with him won't rat him out.

Bullshit like that isn't going to make people want to help you. Bullshit like that isn't going to make other people give a damn about you. But that's the not the point is it? Naw, you don't give a shit as long as you still get your government assistance programs. Maybe I'm wrong. But I know I'm right about this, nothing is going to change as long as you continue to wallow in your filth and show it to the rest of world, happy as a pig rolling in it's mud hole. No one's going to give a damn one way or the other till you get rid of that ghetto mindset and hold up yourself to life to a higher standard. In other words, ain't no one going to give a fuck about you if you ain't got dignity.

Worst of all this, this is bullshit that gets people killed. This mentality fucking kills people, Children are killed because of this bullshit tribalist ghetto-ass mentality. A mentality that leads the killers to laugh and joke about it, as if killing fucking kids was just fun and games. Yes it happened in 1995, but the date doesn't matter, because this shit still persists. The children's grandmother said their father wasn't the best of people, so they're paying for the dirty their dad did. The grandson having paid for his dad's dirty with his life.

And somehow the rest of us are all supposed to help you and feel sorry for you, when for you, life is that cheap?

Look, there's nothing wrong with being from 'da hood, or the barrio, or the trailer park. But there is something wrong when you make that who you are. No race is immune from being infected with this ghetto mindset brain disease. It's a vicious cycle, hopelessness leads to low expectations, low expectations lead to crime, crime leads to hopelessness, and 'round and 'round we go. Some things around just out of one's control. An individual can't control the economy. poverty isn't easy to get out of. But there is one thing the individual can control, and that's how they live their life. How anyone conducts themselves is complete within the control of said individual.

Because of this low-expectation mentality, hardly anyone seeks to make things better. Because why fucking bother, not like you'll be able to accomplish anything, not with The Man sitting on top of you. And when you look at the bigger picture, it's gets even more sad since when you think about it's is a de-evolution on the social level. When you see thug gang members in the ghetto shooting each other over stupid reasons, all we're really seeing is a regression into tribalism and savagery.

Liberals want to talk about how people still ain't free. People are still slaves. And they're right. Well not right in the way they think they are, but people are still enslaved. Only the chains aren't physical. The chains aren't institutional. The chains are mental, they're all in your head. This mentality that keeps you in the 'da ghetto, in the barrio, in the trailer park, those are your chains. And the funny thing is, there ain't no Man holding those chains keeping you in the place. The motherfucker holding those chains and keeping you in place, is the same sucka who's wrapped up in them.

The reason I put the trigger warning on this, is because there are some people that will insist that the poor state of poverty stricken communities is wholly due to outside forces, that all the people that live within them are all victims without agency. See, you do have agency, everyone of us. Everyone of us has the agency to enact the changes we want to see, it's all a matter in how badly do you want the change? As Tupac said:

Ice Cube used his talents to get himself out of the ghetto. Danny Trejo used the doors that opened for him to completely turn his life around. So what the fuck is your excuse?

I'm a leave off with this.

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