Thursday, September 1, 2016

Triggered: Reefer Madness and Gun-Control, a perfect match together.

The following contains:
- A brutal critique of the judicial system
- Political incorrectness
- Profanity
- Harsh social criticism
- Copious amounts of sarcasm
- Liberal usage of the word "fuck"

Aw goddamnit, why won't it stop shitting?! Why can't the bull stop shitting?! Did Philbert sneak Heifer an ex-lax or something?! Stop eating what ever it still that keeps making your shit Mr. Bull!

So this latest trip to the shitter comes in the form of a 9th Circuit Court ruling. The 9th Circuit ruled that people who hold medical marijuana cards are banned from owning guns.

The court also said Congress had reasonably concluded that marijuana and other drug use "raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated."

Ok, so let ask you this. How come someone isn't stripped of their 2nd Amendment rights if they have a prescription for oxycodone. Oxycondone is an opiate, it's in the same family as fucking heroin. Every person I know in my personal life who has a heroin problem got started on heroin because of oxycontin. And these people have gotten into trouble with the law on more than on occasion. Oh but if you smoke weed the Court will take away your 2nd Amendment right, but hey feel free to buy another gun if you're a pill popping smack addict.

Same if you're a violent drunk with a mean streak, so long as you haven't been convicted of anything.

I mean seriously, what's the stereotype for a pothead? A lethargic person with a big appetite. When was the last time you heard about someone committing violent crime while under the influence of weed, or to support a weed addiction? At most you'd hear about an armed robbery to steal someone's plant. An armed robbery that wouldn't have happened if you could buy the stuff at the store like you could 151 proof alcohol. You can be a raging alcoholic and own a gun (as long as you haven't be convicted of anything) but if you use weed medically? Nope! How the fuck does that make any sense?!

Typically I'd call out a judge for being a fucking idiot if they made a bad call. But that might not even be the case here. More than likely this was just the Court taking the statute and applying it. Sometimes it's not their fault the law is ass. So then who's responsible for crapping out this cow pie on the American public? Well you can blame that on the federal government and it's Big Phama influenced, pig headed insistence that marijuana is every bit as bad as heroin and cocaine, to the point that prescribing opiates to kids is A-OK, but you'll lose those same kids if you're busted for weed. Makes perfect fucking sense.

Here's the other thing that makes this all so fucking stupid. When someone goes though the trouble of getting a medical marijuana card, that show's that they want to do things the proper way, rather than just getting it from a street dealer, rather than just being an "underground" user. Odds are they're likely not going to go commit crimes. Kind of like who someone who goes though the trouble of getting a CCL isn't like to go and rob a 7-11 as soon as they get their licence. If they were going to rob the corner market, they wouldn't bother with the hassle of getting their papers in order.

Though on the other hand, I'm also willing to be that the judges that heard this are also anti-gun. The 9th Circuit isn't exactly known for supporting the 2nd Amendment, and I suspect more than a few look for any little way they can get to strip citizens of their constitutional rights. And this is where Reefer Madness comes in.

It's more or less accepted these days that marijuana is really no worse than alcohol as far as recreational use. Though unlike alcohol there actually are medical benefits. Most people consider Reefer Madness to be complete bullshit. Pretty much only the government and far right conservatives and out right idiots still believe in that shit (as opposed to just using it as another political tool to hoodwink people into voting for them).

And yet, those particular individuals in positions of power, with their own personal agendas will use bullshit as a way to strip the rights of the people for the sake of cementing their own power. These individuals will use the fairy tale of Reefer Madness to push the lie that marijuana is on the same level as crystal meth to push more gun-control.

These two are perfectly matched for each other. They both have emotional bullshit as their foundation, and they both serve to restrict the rights of individuals.

In short, they're both complete and utter bullshit.

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