Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Triggered: I hate these so called "allies".

The following contains:
- Profanity
- Absolutely no consideration given to feelings.
- Scathing commentary.

Well I keep hearing the term "People of Color" tossed around more and more these days. I look down at my hands and they're brown, so I guess that makes me a person of "color", so let me just toss my 2 cents and a dime into this whole race crap.

Oh great so this guy's pissed off again, what flew up his ass now? Well this bullshit ass video.

OK first off, if you want to cosplay someone who's brown, like Josie Rizal from Tekken 7, and you happen to be White. Go right ahead, even if you need to use make up to get the skin tone right. This "marginalized person" is giving you permission to do so. You have my OK. The only thing I care about is that you get the whole shebang accurate to her design and her character.

You want to cosplay her and you're not brown, go right ahead anyway. Hell I'll even teach you a few Tagalog phrases if you want. All I care about is that you don't half ass the cosplay, because you know, do it right or don't do it at all. 
I'm a marginalized person of color, so therefore my opinions override hers and I'm saying "fuck that" when she says a character "isn't for you". You want to cosplay Josie and you're Irish pale, you go right the fuck ahead and do it, even if you have to do what ever it is those ganguro chicks in Japan do to look like that. I said it's ok, so bitch, don't you dare try to talk over my voice of color and say otherwise.

I'm as baffled about this as the rest of you. But when you consider this is in Japan, it kind of explains things. 
Do I think it's harmful if a White girl wants to be Josie at a convention? No. Because I don't let it be harmful to me. Like I said, the extent of my giving a fuck only goes as far as to the quality of the cosplay itself. I got more important things to worry about like potentially fatal work place hazards at my current employment, you really think a White girl cosplaying is going to be harmful to me?

At any rate, she said it's wrong to speak over marginalized people of color, so I'm automatically right, and she's automatically wrong, moving on.

Secondly no, you're not my ally, there ain't shit you can do that's useful enough for you to be an "ally". Bottom line is, I've been around the block several times, by contrast you look like a well off upper middle class person. That right there leads me to suspect that we already have little to relate over. That being said, how fucking arrogant do you have to be to assume that you have something to bring to the table and are fit to be my "ally"? I've fought my battles in life and took my hits and got back up and not once did I ever need someone like you around as my "ally" to accomplish what I set out to do. Your help was not, is not, and will not ever be needed. I was making my way in this world when you were still riding around in the back of mommy's SUV (or the equivalent of). Most of all though I'm as sure as the Sun is hot, that I will never have a need for anyone's self-serving White guilt driven help to get by. My life and experiences is not something for you to appropriate to soothe your mistakenly guilty conscience.

As you said, Whites like you have to listen to marginalized voices, and this marginalized voice is telling you to shut the hell up so by your own rules, you can stop talking now.

And here we go, the "safe space" bullshit. The only safe space you should need is where you eat, sleep, and shit. Out there, the world can be a real bastard, how do you expect to function if you need to run off to a "safe space" at every triggering act of microaggression? You want to know what my safe space is? My shitter. No one fucks with me when I'm taking a dump.

Now that's a REAL safe space right there, ain't no one messing with me in there when I'm nuking Hiroshima
By the way, assuming that I'm so weak, that I'd need you as an "ally" makes me uncomfortable, so therefore you aren't making a "safe space" according to that definition. Your behavior is upsetting to me, so feel free to change it, like now.

You can give the whole "ally" thing a rest and just worry about you're own shit. Minorities like myself aren't so weak that we'd need a young, upper-middle class, well off individual like yourself to be our "ally" and fight our battles. In fact, I sure as hell can put up a better fight deprived of sleep for three days and completely drunk off my ass, you ever could. If you really want to help, then just treat us like you would anyone else instead of putting us on a pedestal and prostrating yourself before the alter of Minority Worship that the regressive left has built over the graves of people like MLK Jr.

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