Saturday, May 12, 2012

Guns, and great responsibility

First off, I could be considered a "semi-avid" shooter, by that I go out to the range when money and time permit, which unfortunately isn't exactly a regular basis. I own a .357 revolver, and a couple semi-auto and bolt action rifles. I was taught how to shoot by an Army and a Marine Vietnam vets. These devices aren't toys, they're dangerous, very dangerous. And as very dangerous things, I know they come with a lot of responsibility.

Apparently people out there don't understand the kind of responsibility that comes with owning a gun. That's the only explanation for this kind of shit.

Yeah you're seeing this right. Some fuckwit really thinks it's funny to pretend to shoot kids.

Yeah some fuckwit really is seeling this to other fuckwits that thing it's funny. As a gun owner, this goes beyond irresponsible, I find this beyond repulsive. For one it just makes gun owners in general look bad. Most gun owners are careful and responsible. But the something like this comes along and grabs more negative attention. Negative attention that goes and fires up the anti-gun crowd. 
It's often said that people are scared of what they don't understand. When I talk to people about going out to do some target shooting I compare it to archery, and explain how I personally find it kind of meditating. Out on the range, it's just you, your rifle, and the target, you just tune everything out. And your awareness just rockets through the roof, you become aware of your breathing, and your heart rate, and sometimes I feel like I can even control my heart rate. That's how focused and in the zone you get. It's an awesome feeling.

But then along comes an ass like this guy and the ones who buy crap like this that just aggravate the feelings of fear with people unfamiliar with guns.

If I was a defending Zimmerman I would be beyond pissed over this. This is the sort of thing that could taint and bias a jury, by making gun owners look like a bunch of trigger happy cavemen.

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