Friday, May 4, 2012

Meet Pastor Closet Gay

Maybe if this blog goes on long enough I'll have a series of entries called "Shithead of the Week".

This time we have Pastor Sean Harris, who advocates beating kids if they might be gay. Yeah that's right, this guy endorse and advocates child abuse. First we had Dominic Dieter encouraging sexual assault, now we have Pastor Harris who I quote: ""Man up. Give him a good punch."

Now it's been about 2 and a half years since I took Criminal Law, but I'm pretty sure battery is a criminal offense. Honestly is this really what our society has come to? Advocating child abuse? Sure Harris apologized, but he apologized because he got busted.

The real insanity here is that neither he nor Dieter (well as far as I know) have been taken off the air after basically advocating violence on children. Why do we tolerate this shit? Homophobia has to be one of the biggest wastes of emotion. I mean how does consenting adults being gay affect your everyday life? I have a few gay friends and had some gay co-workers and at no moment did my quality of life go down because of them.

Well maybe Americans aren't tolerating this, more and more are walking away from organized religion. I'd say it's people like this guy who are partly the reason for that.
I mean why would you want to stick around some so called "man of God" who encourages violences against some of the most vulnerable in society.

Though why did I call him Pastor Closet Gay? Well because of this recent report.

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