Thursday, May 3, 2012

The hidden costs of living large

Well I'm sure everyone knows about all the different health issues with being fat, from diabetes to heart issues. Well apparently it's more than just personal health issues. Stadiums have to make seats wider, buses need to have stronger components installed, hospitals need to buy bigger wheelchairs, and even toilets need to be redesigned. It even affects how much you spend on gas. Never really thought about it but it takes more gas to move something heavier than something lighter. So you're spending more gas to move a car full of your fat friends.

Goes to show just how wide and far reaching this "obesity epidemic" is. At first I never put much thought into it, I figured if that person is ok with being that way, fine that's their life. But now with it leading to rising costs across the board of society,  well... this cost has to be made up somewhere? Increased cost on plane tickets, or more expensive bus fair? Would a trip to the hospital cost me more now? When it hits everyone in the pocket book, dropping a few pounds kind of becomes in everyone's best interest.

Though with all kinds of effort here and there to get/help people to slim down. Some are pushing back and trying to claim "size discrimination". I can tell you right now being fat will never be a protected class. When it comes to equal protection one of the key, if not the key thing is an immutable characteristic, that you're born that way and there is much you can do about it. You can't do much about the fact that you're male or female, or that you're Black, or Chinese, or etc. But you certainly can gain or lose weight, you can do something about your weight.

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