Monday, May 9, 2016

Triggered: The Ballad of Triggly Puff

OK I've largely neglected and forgotten about this whole minor project of mine, until I saw this...

Good God what the hell did I just watch here. I have so many issues with this video.

First issue... Is this what passes for acceptable public behavior these days? No civility what so ever, this is nothing less than a toddler tantrum. How do you expect to be taken seriously when you response to something you disagree with is to scream and rant like a nut case who just pounded three Monsters back to back.

This kind of childish petulent behavior is one of many reasons I vehemently dislike SJWs and those associated with them. You're a goddamned adult are you not? Carry yourself with dignity. You ask me this is what happens when you raise up a generation of kids telling the how special they are and giving them trophies just for showing up. This is the Participation Trophy Generation, be afraid, be very afraid, because these children (yes children, mentally they are still children and I will address them as such) are quite possibly the future.

Second issue... Ms. Summers hasn't been up there long enough to make any kind of real argument, hell she was still doing introductory stuff when our hero starts screaming and going off the rails. "Hate speech"? What Hate Speech, Summers has hardly said anything beyond calling feminism "madness". So obviously Triggly Puff isn't there to make an argument, she's just there to scream. Now here's the thing, it was stated that after the event there would be a Q&A session, but rather than just leave and come back during the Q&A, Triggly here just decides to scream and disrupt the entire event. This tells me that she doesn't even have an argument to back up her ranting, therefore she's only screaming talking points and buzzwords, which itself leads me to wonder if she even has a thought in her head since she obviously isn't forming any sort of analysis in that bloated head of hers.

Here's the thing with this, this is the result of raising up kids to FEEL not to THINK. Throughout childhood they're asked about their feelings, and how something made them feel, but hardly ever are you going to find critical thinking or logic as required courses in high school. So you end up with people like this with an over inflated sense of self-worth thinking that people give a damn and that their feelings matter. It results in narcissistic, self-centered individuals who think it's all about them and their feelings. Sure there are contexts is where feelings matter, but discussions on public policy aren't it. She may as well just be a computer that someone plugged their laptop into and inserted lines of code into, in order to run a specific program or execute specific commands. 
trigglypuff@ubuntu:-$ sudo rant swing arms
[ sudo ] password for hips_ster:
And off your little (well this case not so much "little" and more "giant Japanese mecha") robot goes to do your bidding.

Third issue... "It's free speech!" Heh, slow down a moment. SJWs think the 1st Amendment is carte blanche to say what ever they want, how ever they want, where ever they want, and that's what they get wrong about it. The 1st Amendment was put into place as a check on the government to prevent the government from stiffiling the free flow of information. It was NOT put in place so people can shout louder over someone else and drown out their message because it hurt someone else's feelings. And even THEN the government can still restrict speech based on the time, the place and the manner of the speech. So all the Regressives slapping each other's butts because they railroaded a Trump event, that isn't what free speech is about.

Using your free speech to slience someone else because you have free speech, that is a perversion. There's a term for that, actually there are several, but one term is "tyranny of the mob" and that's exactly what this is, only here in this case Triggly didn't have a mob to back her. 

This whole episode just showcases what is wrong with the whole SJW movement. It's wholly emotionally driven, it's members self centered and narcissistic, and the whole thing is repressive and socially tyrannical. 

And that's all I got to say about that... for now.  


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