Monday, May 30, 2016

Triggered: The Left Flank Assault on Science and Intellectualism

The following contains:
- Profanity
- Reckless disregard for the feelings of others
- Repeated use of the term "butthurt" in a mocking manner
- Harsh open social criticism, raw and uncut
- A season of Daria's worth of sarcasm (I just dated myself on that one)
- Political incorrectness
- Just plain not being nice

I will shove your feelings so far up your ass, you're going to be coughing up participation trophies! 
 Lets get started with a definition of intellectualism first.

The quest for knowledge is one of the highest goods since it goes hand in hand with self-improvement. Knowledge and understanding of reality are gained though reason. Things like science and critical thinking, falling under the umbrella of reason.

So the right flank's attack on intellectualism has been covered multiple times. Sarah Palin's embrace and glorification of being willfully stupid has been covered to death. The right flank's failure to understand what science is, has been mocked on multiple occasions by the likes of Bill Nye "The Science Guy" and Neil deGrasse Tyson. There's no sense in going down that trodden road.

But there is also an ongoing assault on intellectualism's left flank. This assault has been coming from essentially what is the left flank counterpart of the stereotypical hardcore/religious conservative, the so-called progressive left, (hence forth referred to as the regressive left).

On of the best examples of this is the utter stupidity, and sheer bullshittery (told you, this piece of literature is going to be raw and uncut) being perpetuated by the Social Justice Warriors/jihadists on US college campuses. There's just a variety of the kind of horse-fuckery these jackasses are up to instead of studying for class. Here are a few examples of the idiots I take issue with.

There's the whole Bonita Tindle incident at San Francisco State University. Essentially what happened here is a Black woman committed an assault and battery (by the legal definition) on a White guy for the sole reason of him having his hair in dreadlocks. The Stupid Jackass Warrior prattering on about how he's appropriating her culture by having dreadlocks, never mind the fact that by her standards she's appropriating European culture by keeping a name with Latin origins. And of course the fact that vikings had their hair in dreadlocks being a fact she's completely oblivious to. Do I feel bad for the backlash she got? Pfft no! The thing about this crap that makes me scratch my head is I did my time there at the turn of the millennium and the campus pot dealer was a White guy with dreads and no one gave a shit. So why make noise about it now? Look if you're going to be pissed at someone over something they did, at least have even a basic understanding of the background behind what it is they did before you go off the rails and do something you can go to jail for and get sued for.

Then there's the whole Trigglypuff incident that went down at a campus speaking engagement that included Christina Hoff Sommers (aka The Factual Femenist, check it out, she has great videos). I already wrote on this circus side show earlier, so I'm not going to beat that dead horse.

And how can I talk about campus dumbassery without mentioning the sheer donkeyshit fuckwittery of what went down at Yale. Jesus Christ, I barely know what to say to this. This is literally stupid beyond my ability to analyse, BUT, I will make an attempt to do so. So follow me down in to the depraved depths of Hell, I shall be the Virgil to your Dante, now stay close, lest you get lost and trapped down here.

So this whole incident blew up after someone got butthurt over some Halloween costume. The whole thing blew into some row over "cultural appropriation" (whatever that shit even means...) and that chain reacted into some crap about safe spaces. There was alleged racism and claims of a "Whites only" Halloween party.

Things came to something of a head with this shreaking student who seems to be on the verge of a mental breakdown. This fragile, unique special snowflake declared (in a voice that seems about ready to crack) that:

It is not about creating an intellectual space! It is not! Do you understand that? It’s about creating a home here! - Unique special snowflake
Well... to this I say...

I drop a NUKE your fucking safe space!

 I fucking BASE DELTA ZERO your little safe space from orbit!
Jesus-fucking-Christ, an intellectual space is the POINT of college! You go to have your views challenged and see other points of view as well to expand your knowledge base, and though that experience you come out a stronger person in more ways than one. And the other thing, "home" is a place of permanence, it can be a physical place, or a sense that you carry with you. College, is not supposed to be a thing of permanence, you come in, you complete your degree and then off your merry way you go, to make the world a better place or to fuck things up even more. Therefore, no it's NOT supposed to be a home. If she can't accept that, then maybe she's not ready to leave home just yet and should go back to her parents for awhile, until she ready to be out in the adult world. If you need your little safe space, then you're not ready for college, you're not ready to be an adult, you're still a child.

As an intellectual space, the 1st Amendment and discourse trumps your weak fucking feelings. When you put feelings before discourse, that is an attack on both science and on intellectualism. This is no different, NO DIFFERENT than when those on the right flank put their own religious sensibilities before open discourse.

And just what the hell is "cultural appropriation" anyway? Is me, as an Asian-American learning how to make Texas-style BBQ appropriating White culture? Is me as a Filipino learning iaido appropriating Japanese culture? Is my Italian-Argentinian friend wanting a traditional Filipino dress appropriating my culture? Look if you want to eat and cook Filipino food, learn words in Tagalog, or wear traditional dress. Go ahead, have at it, don't really care.

What do all these incidents show. Well there are several things to see here, professional victimhood, an attempt to silence the "others" in an effort to enforce orthodoxy (orthodoxy here essentially being anything that goes against their feelings and against the regressive left narrative of The White Man oppressing eveyone else), and a suppression of rational discourse.

Each of these three cross over with each other and have the same effect. That effect is chilling freedom of thought and freedom of speech. They use their professional victim status to draw attention and cry oppression and claim special status, and then use that status to shut down any kind of discourse regarding the topic that isn't echochamber speak. Then linked to that is enforcing the regressive left wing orthodoxy, typically though screaming louder than everyone else and crying to the local administration with their butthurt and threatening the offending parties with firings or malicious use of the legal process, which ultimately has the effect of suppressing discourse. The other problem I have with professional victims is they make weakness out to be a virtue. Now I'm not calling legitimate victims weak, because in most instances they over come what has happened to them. They walk away from the experience a stronger person. But the professional victim, they never move away from the victim phase into the survivor phase. Oh no, they stay a victim and expect everyone else to feel sorry for them, and give them hand outs and freebies out of pity. That is what I mean by weakness, it is a weakness of character, and one that they spread and perpetuate like a cancer.

SJWs are also some of the most racist motherfuckers in the country. Thanks of this bizarre notion of "White privilege" that they have, they think that makes it OK to completely marginalize them. I've been though law school, and completed my JD and I don't recall any laws that only apply to certain races, not anymore anyway, I'm pretty sure they don't pass Jim Crow laws anymore. On the same token they, and a lot of them being well off middle to upper-class White kids, claim to fight for minorities. I've been around the block a few times myself, so I have no clue how any of them, have the same life experiences that I have and therefore be in a position where they can stand up for me. They completely lump everyone into groups and completely ignore the individual. Everyone has to be labeled and everyone has to be segregated into groups and the inherent value of those groups is based up on some level of oppression. With a George Wallace around every corner and racism in every little thing. This deranged, paranoid level of thinking seems to stem from intersectional feminism. Christina Hoff Sommers does a great job of explaining what complete and utter trainwreck internationalism is. Hell it's not just a trainwreck, it's a plane crash on top of a trainwreck followed up by a 6.7 earthquake.

This crap reached a level of beyond stupid (even Stupid is sitting there going "dude what the fuck?!") with the crybullies of Black Lives Matter after the terrorist attack on Paris. Their stupidity reached beyond the levels of self-parody. They literally complained about the media coverage that a goddamned TERRORIST attack was receiving because it draw attention away from them. Instead of standing in solidarity with Parisians like the rest of the fucking civilized world did, these jackasses literally threw a tantrum because the country stopped looking at them for a moment. I know this sounds like satire but this shit really happened. Newsflash assholes, Black people live in Paris too, I know, I've been there, I've interacted with some, unlike most of you kids. You're literally, complaining that Black people are being oppressed and saying "fuck you" to other Black people, when the media takes a look at them when they got attacked by the same religious terrorist that actively oppressed everyone under their rule (but I don't hear you talking about Blacks being oppressed by them and the likes of Boko Haram now do I?). I'm sorry, but getting blown up and shot at by AK-47s (which fire a larger round than the AR-15s that every regressive liberal is scared of) is a lot worse than getting your feelings hurt. I can't be the only one who sees how moronic their behavior is.

This is the most egregious crime against intellectualism carried out by the SJW. This doesn't just happen on college campuses, but in society at large. The best, most recent example being the heat that James Rolf got for a video regarding the 2016 Ghostbusters film. You can't even criticizes a movie without some butthurt jerkass trying to silence you, because your message goes against their feelings. Hell you can't say anything in solidarity with people who survived a terrorist attack without these people trying to shut you up. Could you imagine if these chamberpots said the same crap about 9-11 on the day it happens as they've said about Paris?

OK to be fair "oppression then" still happens today. Just go to any backwards corrupt 3rd world shithole, or any theocracy of your choice and you'll see it.

Now related to and in many instance the same thing as the SJW, is the 3rd wave feminist, another assault on the left flank. These are the ultimate in professional victims, some of them are literally career victims and make money off of it. Examples include Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, and Brianna Wu. They literally get money from their white knights (more on those cretins later) for being a victim. But first lets get something out of the way, I have nothing but respect for the 1st and 2nd wave of feminism and what they set out to do. I'm not talking about them.

It's not enough that these 3rd wave cretins are waging war against intellectualism, but they're also waging war against established American jurisprudence itself. They are literally no different than Kim Davis, just on the left flank instead of the right. The 3rd wave feminist rallying cry of "listen and believe" runs entirely counter to the 5th and 14th Amendments of the US Constitution.
"... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law..." - excerpt from the 5th Amendment

"...nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." - excerpt from the 14th Amendment
"Listen and believing" logically follows, that the accused is presumed to be guilty, as they are presumed to be guilty, they ought to be punished, usually though prison or fines unless they can prove innocence. In American jurisprudence there is a presumption of innocence, a presumption of guilt goes against our legal concept of due process as well as violating the 6th Amendment.
"...the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed..." - excerpt from the 6th Amendment
"Listen and believe", as I said, logically must lead to a presumption of guilt, if we're to believe the accusation at face value. This presumption of guilt in turn creates a bias, and therefore is a violation of the 6th Amendment since you cannot be biased and impartial at the same time.

So basically, "listen and believe" is unconstitutional. And speaking of unconstitutional, 3rd wave feminists don't like the 1st Amendment either. Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn literally went crying to the UN and demanded censorship for the internet because they get called names on the internet, and being  fragile special snowflakes, cannot handle it. I will listen to you, I will take you seriously, but I will not believe you, not until you, as the prosecution, have met your burden of proof. That's right, YOU have the burden of proof, so YOU must show, though evidence, that your account is accurate. We don't have to believe you at face value.

Now I don't need to go too much into how this is an attack on intellectualism. Free speech is a tenant of it and Anita wants it censored to protect her feelings. To make matters worse, they literally have a financial incentive to continue their careers in victimhood to the detriment of society as a whole. Fuck the negative consequences to society, I'm a victim and I deserve compensation! SJWs and 3rd wave femenists are the wet dream of the slimiest ambulance chasers. Not even Saul Goodman would want anything to do with them.

But this horse-fuckery with 3rd wave crybully feminists doesn't end there. The whole lot of them are a pack of Chicken Littles who constantly see The Patriarch, dropping the sky on them. As a result, everything is a personal attack on them, everywhere they look there's a "misogynist" looking to get them. You literally cannot do anything without them crying oppression. On top of that, they blame everyone of their short comings, and every setback no matter how minor on "The Patriarchy". "I don't need to get better, I'm perfect, it's The Patriarchy's fault that I completely fail at life!" So they never make any attempt at self-improvement and continue to be a hemmroid on society.

The thing that is really insulting about 3rd wave "campus feminists" (as Christina Hoff Sommers puts it) is that there IS real misogyny in the world, but while these spoiled ass little children are too busying going all butthurt mad over a video that some White guy made, to say something about Atena Farghadani who's sitting in an Iranian prison for the feminist cartoons she drew. But hey being an activist in a country like that is dangerous, you can get beaten, raped and imprisoned by authorities. So much safer to just pretend there is misogyny where it doesn't exist is a lot easier and a lot safer than doing real activism. 3rd wave feminism is completely and utterly bullshit and nothing more than a stage play farce fit for some 3rd rate high school drama class, the lack of action from them on the behalf of women like Atena Farghadani proves it. Attention they draw to themselves because a White guy looked at them, is attention that is drawn away from REAL misogyny like the sort that Farghadani is being subjected to. 

How is 3rd wave feminism an attack on science and intellectualism? Well first off, it shuts down discourse for the sake of protection people's feelings. Secondly it goes against several of the very tenants of a free society. Thirdly there are 3rd wave feminists who've taken things as far as to declare science itself, not people IN science, but the actual science itself, as misogynistic.

And then... we move on to the whole "fat acceptance" thing. First off I have nothing against fat people... in general. If you're fat and you're working on it, more power to you. If you're fat and you accept it and all that it entails (like you accept having to buy tow plane tickets) then I don't have a problem with you. Where I start to have a problem is the ones who try to insist that they're being oppressed. That having to buy two seats on a place because you take up two seats is oppression. That people not being sexually attracted to you because you're fat is oppression. But where the problem comes in, is with the whole "healthy at any size" bullshit, and whining about how anything said against being fat is oppression.

The problem with "healthy at any size" is that one it's an out right lie. I've yet to find any doctor that supports that. There might one one out there somewhere, but I'd like to read a peer reviewed paper on their work before I believe it. Second, it's blatantly anti-science. Obesity has been linked with things such as diabetes and heart disease, hardly conditions of health. Yes we have body types, but you are not healthy if you are 320lbs and 190lbs of that is just fat, as opposed to to muscle. Being fat is not healthy, it's not something that you should be proud of. Rich of ReviewTech USA has a great video on the matter.

The other issue comes in, is when fat people try to equate being fat with being of a particular race. This is bullshit, where as you cannot change your race, you genetically can't change your sex (your DNA is still the blueprints for what ever you were born as) you can control your weight. I can't just decide to not be Asian and work to physically not be Asian (and why would I want to stay Asian, according to the SJWs who blame White people for everything, I want to be White and get in on some of that privilege), in contrast, whether I want to be obese or underweight is wholly up to me. I can starve myself, or gorge myself and my behavior will have a direct effect on my weight.

What's more, this mentality is yet another attempt to get the government to make people stop saying something that hurts your feelings. Just the same with the SJW, this is all a matter of personal responsibility. You don't like being laughed at for being fat? Well there's something you can do about that, go talk to the doctor, get on a diet and exercise plan and have the discipline to stick with it. No you shouldn't put down and bully people for being fat, but at the same time, being fat is something you can control, you can't control being what race you are or what sex you are. You are comparing apples and oranges with the two, no wait, more like comparing apples and chicken. This whole "fat acceptance movement" is nothing more than avoiding personal responsibility and making excuses.

How is weight an attack on science and intellectualism? "Healthy at any size" is anti-science, and trying to silence people from saying things that hurt fat people's feelings, shuts down discourse.

Lastly I'll wrap this whole tirade up with the "white knight". To put it simply the "white knight" is an enabler. When the above groups mentioned go off on their stupidity and get called out on it by the larger society, the "white knight" comes in to defend them and encourage them to continue on with what ever bullshit they've been shoveling. Aside from being stupid and annoying, the problem I have with the white knight is that they help to perpetuate what ever fairy tail narrative is being spun by the other previously mentioned groups. They're the gasoline that keeps on getting poured on to the fire of stupidity.

Here's the funny thing, these "white knights" typically turn out of be guys, like developer Tim Schaffer, he often white knights for Anita Sarkeesian. Now these guys, they think they're being the hero, but they're actually some of the most sexist bastards around. Not only is there the ulterior motive of trying to look good for women and therefore possibly score (IE Eliot Roger the Raging Virgin with an acute case of Nice Guy Syndrome). They put women up on a pedestal and act as if they're too weak to fight their own battles. I don't know what could be more sexist than that, same as how racist SJWs actually are in their delusion that minorities need them. They think that women need them, and they stand up without solicitation and in exchange expect some kind of recognition.

On a personal note, I have a particular dislike for the SJW. I am an Asian-American, and therefore a minority, and these spoiled, emotionally stunted people burn my ass in several ways. First, I don't recall giving them permission to speak for me. So when they claim to be giving a voice or what ever to minorities, they're not doing so with my support let alone my expressed consent. How the hell could a well off 19 year old have the kind of life experiences to be able to understand my own life and be in a position where they can speak for me? Secondly, I do NOT need their, self-serving, White guilt (there I said it...) driven help to get by in this country. My life is not something for them to appropriate to soothe their own damaged self-image. I completed high school, I finished college, and graduated law school, all without any of their "help". They insult minorities as a whole by pushing a narrative that minorities lack the strength (in one for or another) to make it in this world. That we lack the strength and need the support of young, upper-middle class WHITES, to remove our personal obstacles and make it. That is insulting, that is insulting to every accomplishment that a minority has made. This gets even funnier when the SJW in question happens to be part of Black Lives Matter. I mean, let me get this straight, you're going to be mad at White people and "their system" for oppressing you, but you demand those same White people and that same system to fix your problems? You're literally saying that you are took weak to fix your problems and need someone else to do it for you, and not just anyone, but the SAME White people that you claim to hate? Malcolm X is rolling in his grave. I have nothing but respect for men like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, men who saw that people had the strength to up-lift themselves, to better their communities, to make their own way though the world. But you, you shit on their legacy with every word you say.

Look you little shits, myself, and other minorities were making our way though this world, while you were still sitting in the back of mommy's mini-van sipping on that Capri-Sun pouch, on the way to soccer practice. We DO not, DID not, WILL not need you to "fight" for us.  And if you are a minority (or hell, anyone for that matter) and just looking for a handout and for someone else to overcome your obstacles for you, you have to cut your own path though life. Your live, your destiny is something you have to go our a seize, you can't just sit there and expect someone to just give it to you on a platter (and it sure as fuck isn't going to be me who'll give it to you). Now pull your head out of your ass, unfuck yourself and start acting like a goddamned adult already. Fight your own battles and quit trying to get someone else like the government to fight it for you.

This assault from the left flank is being carried out by weak and emotionally immature people who cannot make their own way though life and need someone else to do at least some of the work for them. They need to go back to the nest, train themselves emotionally, and when they are stronger, come out into the real world, because I'm sorry, but like Rocky Balboa said, the world will beat you down, it does not give a fuck, not about who you are, and sure as all hell not about your feelings.

This is probably the longest thing I've written for this, but I am seriously fed the hell up with this bullshit. These cockroaches along with their co-belligerants waging their offensive on the right flank are what's wrong with, and what is ruining society.

That's it, I'm out.

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