Saturday, May 14, 2016

Triggered: James Crowe and the Safe Space

The following includes:
- Political incorrectness
- Inability to recognize you as a unique special snowflake
- Profanity
- Logic
- Critical thinking
- Analysis
- A complete and utter disregard for your feelings

OK well that said, on to things.

Safe spaces today, safe spaces tomorrow, safe spaces forever!
Now why am I paraphrasing an asshole like George Wallace? Well because that's what safe spaces are, it's just a dolled up, prettier version of segregation. You're keeping people you don't like for one superficial reason or another away from your space so you can be comfortable. As Adam and Jamie have demonstrated you CAN polish a turd, but at the end of the day it's still a turd.

But why should I care about this turd? Because it is creating a nasty situation within the society I live in and given that how in any ordered society we're all connected some way or another, this is going to come around and mess with my business as well.

Besides being segregation, safe spaces are also nothing more than echo chambers. I think it's a reasonable statement to say that growth requires one to be challenged, be it physically, or having your ideas challenged. Being an echo chamber, views within will not be challenged, rather quite the opposite. Safe spaces, hence echo chambers, only encourage groupthink.

This is completely anti-thesis to the whole point of going to college. The whole point of going to college is to expand your knowledge and a major part of that is being challenged in your views. Despite what the adult-children might say such as,
It is not about creating an intellectual space, it's about creating a home!
I can't make this shit up, this was really said by a student at Yale. It is about creating an intellectual space, if you want a home, then go back home. Go back to where you grew up, or go back to your apartment if you want to be home. You are there to learn, not to load around at home. Furthermore you're only really supposed to be there (well be in any one given program) for only FOUR years. You're there only temporarily, and hence, it's not supposed to be your home.

Here's the other issue I have with this... the world doesn't give a fuck about your feelings to be blunt about it. It's like Rocky said:

You think the world is going to back off and give you you're safe space?

Why should I care? Because I have to live with people like this, these people are going to vote and they're going to vote with their brains swimming around in their warped and twisted ideology, and I can certainly do without that crap in my life.

Now before any regressive leftist crybully comes in here calling me "privileged" or what ever the hip buzz word of the hour is for someone who isn't drinking the Kool-Aide, I write this as an Asian-American. And as one I call bullshit on safe spaces. When you go to a university you are going to there further your education, as well as widen your world view. I went there and I was challenged, but rather than running to a hugbox and crying like a little bitch expecting the world to give a damn I defended my stance. "This is why I think, and this is why I think that". It wasn't "this is what I think because feelings".

When you live your whole live in a safe space echo chamber where you're never challenged by new ideas, you grow up stunted. You'll never grow up into an fictional adult who can meet the challenges of modern life. You'll forever stay a child running to mommy or daddy every time something bad happens to you, only mommy and daddy inevitably get replaced by the government. You'll never be able to overcome your own challenges and will always demand that other people solve your problems for you. Why? Because you never learned to seize what's yours, rather you demanded that someone hand it to you, just like all those waste basket participation trophies.

Back in the 1950's Eisenhower saw segregation for the bullshit that it was, and what was bullshit back then is still bullshit today. Jim Crow yesterday is still Jim Crow today.

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