Sunday, May 15, 2016

Triggered: Lets play, Call of Social Justice: Tumblr Warfare

The following contains:
- Political incorrectness
- A brutal, unapologetic mockery of particular world views
- Satiric social commentary

Now that said, I've been trying to figure this oppression crap out by the SJWs. The rules at play seem to be the more oppressed you've been, the more valid what ever you have to say is. Seems simple enough but the problem I noticed was how do you determine who was more oppressed than who? Well after a careful analysis of several statements and articles from SJWs the running trend seemed to be the farther away from a "White, CIS, Christian, Male" (their terms no mine, I don't say shit like "CIS") you get, the more oppressed you are. So I thought of this scale to gauge oppression so we can determine who's views are more valid than who's based upon level of oppression.

Oppression Scale
You get +1 Oppression Points for the following:
Check all that apply

- Are Hispanic
- Are Asian (Russians from East of the Urals or people from the Caucasus region do not count)
- Are Native American
- Are Indian
- Are otherwise non-White but not Black (scroll down for points awarded for being Black)
- Are homosexual
- Are *insert gender identity here*-sexual/gender
- Are not Christian
- Are a woman (because patriarchy or something)
- Are someone who is overweight
- Are someone who's been stopped by a White police officer (no points awarded to Whites)
- Are someone who's been called a derogatory term on the internet
- Are someone who has been "cat called", "checked out" or otherwise sexually objectified.
- Are of a race that has been racially stereotyped (no points awarded to Whites)

You get +2 Oppression Points for the following:
Check all that apply

- Are transsexual
- Are someone who identifies as something other than human
- Are someone who's ancestors experienced colonialism under a White colonial regime regardless of whether or not you yourself lived under said White colonial regime
- Are someone how has had your culture appropriated by Whites. This includes eating your culture's food, learning your culture's language, dressing in your culture's clothing whether costumes or authentic, wearing body paint/tattoos or hairstyles of your culture.
- Are someone who is morbidly obese

You get +3 Oppression Points for the following:
Check all that apply

- Are Black (because slavery and Jim Crow or something)

Now add up all your Oppression Points and the total score is your worth and value as a human being in contemporary society. Oppression Points make you eligible for Affirmative Action, preferential treatment in Family Courts, favorable quotas and other benefits.

 Call of Social Justice: Tumblr Warfare is constantly being updated and patched as needed.

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